加賀谷 葵
帰国後は、ひとりのお客様のための即興ダンスパフォーマンス『ダンス、おひとついかがですか?』(2020〜)や、ジャンルを超えたアーティストたちによるプロジェクト「渦」(2023〜)、ビル全体をつかった複合展「言葉と体」(アーティスト後藤仁と共同企画, 2023)をプロデュースするなど、地元秋田を中心に県内外で活動中。ダンサー安達香澄、ジャグラー山村佑理が主宰する北東北発のダンスサーカス「BAZAR」のメンバーとしても活動している。
*2014 埼玉全国舞踊コンクール モダンダンス1部 3位の2
*2023 Incheon Dance Festival 海外招聘アーティスト
Aoi Kagaya is a dancer and choreographer from Akita, Japan. She began her dance training in traditional Japanese dance "Nihon-buyo" and classical ballet at a young age. At the age of 11, she started modern dance training at the Izumi Kawamura Dance Studio in Japan.
Aoi is a recipient of a scholarship from the Agency for Cultural Affairs Japan in 2018, which allowed her to study abroad. She traveled to Israel where she worked with renowned dance companies such as Vertigo Dance Company, Sigal Armoza, Sharona Florsheim, and others.
From 2020, Aoi has embarked on her solo project called "Would you like one dance?" This small dance performance for one person explores the relationship between the audience and performer, creating an intimate and unique experience for each individual. Recently, she works as a member of the contemporary circus company "BAZAR".
photo : Takugo Miwa